Getting Your Home Guest-Ready for the Holidays

Thanksgiving starts the holiday season which means it’s time to plan for holiday guests! Whether you are having family and friends over for dinner or hosting out-of-town guests overnight, there are things you can do now that will make the holidays less stressful.

  1. Make your home inviting to all the senses: purchase autumn decorations that add to the festive atmosphere, holiday candles that make your home inviting and cozy, and amazing holiday music, while unpacking and displaying heirlooms that remind people of loved ones, and planning a menu of amazing food that you can all make together.
  2. Think like a Bed & Breakfast: make sure you have new sheets and plenty of soft linens for your guests, as well as bottled water and other amenities that would make everyone feel comfortable. (And then remind them that they can otherwise make themselves right at home so you don’t spend all of your time playing host/hostess!)
  3. Plan for family fun: traditional board games and “game night” have made a huge comeback in our world today. Make sure you have some fun games that everyone in the family can play — from cards, “Monopoly” and “Jenga” to “Cards Against Humanity” for the adults!
  4. Plan ahead to avoid undue drama: talk to your college student before he/she comes home. This can be a sometimes challenging situation when your son or daughter comes home from college during the holidays. Independence has been established. An autonomy has been experienced. Have a conversation about commitments to family time and then don’t take it personally when they want to go hang out with their friends!
  5. Keep everyone comfy/cozy: make sure your HVAC is in top performance by changing filters or having us come out and take a look! You don’t want to spend all of this time making your home warm and cozy and then have it leave a chill with your guests.